
Showing posts from 2016

Five ways of filling your heart with Self-Love By Bo Sanchez

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful,  I know that full well.- Psalms 139:14 Natutuwa for sure si God kasi naaalala ko siya pag nasasaktan ako o nalulungkot.....hawak ko mga libro ng tungkol sa mga mensahe ng Diyos... Yun lang siguro ang panahon na nagbabasa ako at nireretype ang mga nababasa ko.... Let me share with you five powerful ways on how to fill your heart with self-love. Masuwerte ako dahil kahit wala ako work nabubuhay kami ng maayos... samantalang ang iba kailangan kumayod umaga hanggang sa sumikat ulit ang araw... Pero hindi ko maiwasan malungkot at masaktan....  siguro dahil tao lng ako kaya may damdamin padin ako.... salamat sa Dios kazi mahal na mahal nya kami... nagpapatawad at patuloy na minamahal kami sa kabila ng aming mga pagkakamali..wagas ang pag ibig ng Diyos... I triem them. They work marvelously. Many relationship suffer because of neediness. When you learn to love yourself,  your relationship will be freed

A prayer for GROWTH

DEAR GOD, I Confess that I often want to be instantly mature in my faith. I lack the patience to work at it. Help me to remember that spiritual growth is like  physical growth: I must start small, take one day at a time, and get enough nourishment. I know I can do this by challenging my mind to study your Word, asking questions about it, and then seeking answers through prayer,  the counsel of other believers and life' s experiences. Help me to see each day as a building block and commit to building a life of godly character one step at a time. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.  Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better. COLOSSIANS 1: 9-10


                 And put on the new self, created in God's way in righteousness and holiness  of truth.                                                                                                                 -Ephesian 4:24       I weighed my heaviest at 235 lbs. That's why I decided  to get back in shape. I exercised and ate healthy every day. After three months. I dropped to 95 lbs. my medium clothes since my old ones  were to baggy already. But I didn't let go of my extra -large clothes, just in case I need them again. Guess what? After six months, I gained back all the weight I lost.         Why did I revert my old body? Because I always believed  that I should be a "BIG" guy! I may have a new body, but I was stuck in my old thinking and old beliefs in myself.         The same goes for every area four lives. I know  of many people renewed by God but slid back to their  old sinful life. I know of people who started investing and saving, then w


                                 " I am so old  that I may now die at any time" - Genesis 2:7     outside one of the chapels during a wake, I saw paper maches of a house, car and yacht. "what' s that for ?"  I asked my Chinese husband. He explained that the Chinese believe that by burning these, they were sending them ahead for the deceased. that way, they d have a huge house, cars and boats to use in the next life.         I just laughed. " You can' t take anything out of this world with you when you die," I said . My Husband grinned, " if  he's Chinese, he'll find a way."        My husband was right. There is a way to send earthly wealth in advance to heaven. But not in the way he was talking about.         When we 're generous to others, when we give our tithes to the Lord, when we support minitries, we are using our money to build God's kingdom on earth.          Friends, let's use our earthly wealth in su


                         WHEN GOD CALLED          among whom are you also, who are called her one........                                                                    -Romans 1;6                I just came out from the Mass when I saw my phone with two missed calls. One was from my mom and other from someone important in our prayer community.      I returned my mom's call. She just reminded me of an some errand. Then In called the VIP in our prayer community. The first question he asked was," can you leave your works for 10 days? I was a freelancer then so that wasn't a problem. Next, he asked if I had valid passport, which I did.               Then the biggest shock of my life came when he told me that he recommended me to be a trainee the pilgrimages tour leader in the Holy Land. I almost fell out in the chair. I asked him if I was qualified since I didn't have any background in tourism. I wasn't familiar with Biblical and sites. But he replied, &q


HE MUST INCREASE; I MUST DECREASE.- John 3:30      Since 2013, I've been choosing one word that serves as my "guiding word" for the whole year. I also pray for my "One Verse" to accompany my "One Word."       In 2015, my 'ONE WORD" was "LESS," with John 3:30 as my "ONE VERSE," I knew that God wanted me to focus more on " being " and less on "doing", as Jeses encouraged  Martha in Luke 10: 38-42: " You re anxious and worried in many things. There is need of only one things. Mary has choosen the better part and it will not be taken from her."  I also  knew  that He wanted me to serve Him more, for His greater glory.        Little did I know that God would use the imperfect, broken me in a mighty way that year. Even before the first quarter ended, I was invited as a speaker in an online internat ional conference for Catholic moms and to be the host of the online show on Bukal.Tv! truly, He wo